Saturday, November 29, 2008

Rule and regulation
· Use one hand to pump the ball
· Shout the ball out of the 6 feet line
· Start the ball in medium of the court every point is get by other team
· Using one leg to touch the line to start the outside ball
· Cannot use both the hand to pump ball can bring the ball
· Cannot walk more than three step
· Any fouls ball is start from outside line or 9 feet line
· Ball cannot touch to our leg
· Cannot back court
· Cannot pass the ball to the our keeper
· Cannot carry the and jump without shout the ball
· Cannot shout other people leg or body out of the 9 feet line
· Cannot change the hand when pump or caring the ball
· Cannot push, kick, hit, to other people
· Cannot go inside the 6 feet line
· Can push the ball in the 6 feet line without touch inside the 6 feet line
· Cannot touch the 6 feet of the line when shout the ball
· Cannot take the ball inside the 6 feet line, only can using hand to push
· Change team member in the right line, if not when get 2 minute rest punishment
· Every foul are giving punish such, warning, 2 minute rest, yellow and red card
· When start the ball in the medium, other member cannot over the medium line
· Every foul ball must pass to other member or shout it in 5 second ( hear the verse 1st)
· Cannot fighting and spoke bad word
· 25minute for match include half rest ( 10min-5min-10 min)
· 12 people per team, 7 people in the match include one keeper (5 backup include one backup keeper)
· Coach can stop two time in one match ( 2minute)

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